Dentistry As A Substitute for Cosmetic Surgery?

Whether Botox or dermal Hyaluron filler – more and more people are ending up in the cosmetic surgeon’s chair with the aim of erasing the signs of time. To cater to the craze for youth and beauty, wrinkles are injected or smoothed using surgical measures.

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Dentists in Dentaprime

5 Things To Look For In a Dental Clinic

New dental prostheses, implants, minor dental surgery – all of these things must be carefully planned and even more carefully carried out. It’s especially important that specialised personnel are available to attend to each individual step of the treatment.

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Modern Dental Techniques For a Radiant Smile

Attractiveness is relative – and in today’s world, it’s as essential for professional advancement as it is for our personal relationships.

It typically only takes us a fraction of a second to judge the attractiveness of the person in front of us. The process occurs on a subconscious level and according to criteria that depend both on our natural preferences and on how we have been raised. A person’s face is particularly important in any judgement about their attractiveness. While the eyes, lips and hair all playing a decisive role, the teeth are the most important feature of all. If they are discoloured, diseased or asymmetrical, the entire face will immediately be judged as less attractive.

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High-Quality Ceramic Dental Prostheses

Appearance is now among the most important criteria for patients when choosing the right dental prosthesis. It must be white and, where possible, it should not be evident that the prosthesis is replacement for a natural tooth. Inconspicuous and perfectly shaped is the order of the day! However, there are other factors to be taken into account: the right dental prosthesis must not only satisfy aesthetic requirements, but live up to certain functional expectations as well.

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Considering Bone Structure Before An Implant

Many implant patients are faced with needing extensive bone augmentation prior to their implant procedures. The need for bone augmentation also prolongs the time before the implant can be inserted, since it takes time for new bone to adhere to the jaw. As director of the Dentaprime Clinic, Dr. Regina Schindjalova has several years’ experience in the implantology and bone augmentation field.

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Helping You Conquer Dentophobia

Nervous about visiting the dentist? You’re not alone. “Dentophobia” – as a fear of the dentist is known – is a widespread complaint all over the world. Some of those affected suffer so badly that they avoid visiting the dentist at all – even for a simple check-up – which unfortunately leads to worse and more complex dental problems in the long term.

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Optimal Red-White Aesthetic Results For An Attractive Smile

It’s not just the health benefits of a potential dental treatment or restoration that are important to a patient, but how it will look afterwards as well.

If a patient has to go through the ordeal of having their natural teeth replaced, the least the dentist can do is to ensure that the result looks flawless. This doesn’t just depend on the whiteness of the teeth or are how they are structured, but also how they fit into the in the overall appearance of the face. One area to which particular attention must be paid is the so-called “red-white aesthetic”.

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Dealing With Anxiety

If you’re anxious about visiting the dentist, you’re not alone – huge numbers of people struggle with this fear worldwide. While it comes about primarily as a result of bad prior experiences in the dentist’s chair, this is not the only cause of “dentophobia”: the problem can also arise when the patient is generally concerned about pain and worries intensely about whether pain will accompany a particular treatment.

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5 Reasons to Opt For Dental Implants

Once teeth became so decayed that they can no longer be retained in the mouth – or if they have already fallen out – decisions must be made rapidly regarding which type of dental prosthesis is right for a particular patient. What type of treatment should be chosen – a bridge, a partial denture or an implant-borne prosthesis?

We’ve compiled five reasons why you should opt for treatment with implants – regardless of whether you have one missing tooth, or several.

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A Look Into the Future – Using a Face Scanner to Plan a Dental Prosthesis

The chance to see what you’re you’re going to look like after your treatment? There’s no doubt that many a patient has wished for this at some point or another – after all, it’s not always easy to rely on the opinions, knowledge and ability of specialised experts without having any idea what to expect at the end of it.

Thanks to a new technology, it’s now possible to take an advance look at what your dental prostheses are going to look like.

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Too Old For Implants?

One question comes up again and again in the day-to-day running of our clinic: “Am I too old for implants?”

Misconceptions and dangerous half-knowledge mean that older patients and their relatives can feel particularly anxious and uncertain when it comes to the subject of implants. Many are anxious that implants will not heal or that the dental prosthesis will not hold properly on account of the patient’s age. Read more

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